Knowledge management news and trends
  TheraSTrat annuncia la versione 2.5 di Safebase, software per gestire basi di conoscenza su fattori genetici strutturali dei pazienti.
Software enables theragenomics knowledge management., TheraSTrat AG: "The theragenomics company TheraSTrat is pleased to announce the commercial availability of SafeBase(TM) 2.5 Professional. SafeBase(TM) is a patent-pending, Java(TM)-based n-tier software suite to be used as an Internet- or Intranet-accessible solution for theragenomics knowledge management. SafeBase(TM) comprises the SafeBase(TM) Theragenomic Knowledge Base, which logically and semantically relates data and knowledge on structural and genetic factors, which predispose individual patients for the development of severe (idiosyncratic) Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs).

The person-to-person variability of drug responses is a major problem in clinical practice and in drug development. Despite substantial improvements in the safety of drugs (and other chemicals in general), rare yet serious ADRs still lead to deaths of patients as well as to the market withdrawal of drugs. On one hand patients with predispositions to ADRs should prospectively be detected and be excluded from exposure to drugs potentially harmful to them. On the other hand, valuable drugs should be kept on the market in order to remain available for those patients with no predispositions for ADRs. Moreover, pharmacogenetic/ -genomic (PGx)- and toxicogenetic/ -genomic (TGx)-based knowledge underlying the etiology of ADRs needs to be integrated into the lead identification, selection and optimization processes in the quest for both, evidence-based early attrition of non-viable lead compounds and maximal prospective safety of optimized development candidates selected for the advancement into preclinical and clinical development phases. Particularly the safety of promising lead compounds can substantially be enhanced through the retrospective use of knowledge obtained from compounds that in patient populations have caused serious safety problems for individuals carrying safety relevant single allelic variants or related haplotypes.
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