MIS | Magazine > Busting knowledge management myths
MIS | Magazine > Busting knowledge management myths: "Knowledge management (KM) is not a new concept. It took shape as early as the 1980s, when companies developed mechanisms to gather feedback from customers and channel the information back to their marketing, sales and development units.
Still, few today understand the term. Josef Hofer-Alfeis, senior consultant at Siemens, debunks some common KM misundertandings.
Myth No 1: It's extremely hard to make people share
Knowledge is power. In the business world, it's often assumed that people don't want to give away valuable information. The truth is, people are willing to share if given good reasons.
'There must be an implicit understanding and explicit communication that KM will bring increased productivity for the individual involved and the organisation,' says Hofer-Alfeis. Incentives can also give the extra push.
At Siemens, employees are given points for sharing ideas and mentoring junior staff. The points can be exchanged for rewards such as sponsored trips to conferences and personal digital assistants (PDAs).
Employees whose ideas are adopted by others will also be recognised by their peers and upper management. 'Turf protection is not common at Siemens. Employees understand that the ability to execute is far more important than having a set of data,' he adds.
Myth No 2: Everything should be documented
Some people believe that KM is about filling up a central repository with expertise sucked from employees' heads. There will be no brain drain even if employees leave. 'This thinking is too one dimensional,' says Hofer-Alfeis. More advanced KM strategies recognise the limitations of documentation.
Tacit knowledge, for instance, can't be meaningfully captured. 'There are valuable things like networking and relationship building that can't be articulated in writing,' he notes.
Instead of betting every dollar on state-of-the-art systems to capture and archive static data that quickly become obsolete, Hofer-Alfeis suggests allocating some investments to foster networking within the organisation.
This will allow individual knowledge to be 'diffused' to a bigger pool of people. At Siemens, knowledge workers are organised into about 1,600 communities based on topics from contract management to Java programming.
Myth No 3: KM is the same as content management
Blame it on the vendors for sticking the KM label on every product from document management to e-mail systems. Content management is a big part of KM.
But having an intranet portal with pages of data is not all there is to it-especially when people are still calling on the human resource manager for the most basic information like leave entitlement.
The key is how the content is used. 'Confusion is the greatest barrier to KM,' says Hofer-Alfeis. 'In our case, we define KM as the capability for effective action by the individual or the organisation.'
Myth No 4: There's only one flavour of KM
One extreme is traditional leaders who hoard all information and monopolise decision-making. The other is a new management paradigm that forgoes ranks for communal, peer-based corporate leadership.
The greatest proponent of the latter approach is business consultant Jeff Nielsen, who wrote in his book The Myth of Leadership: 'Genuine communication will only occur among peers.'
Nielsen wrote that in a hierarchy, 'people will tell their superiors what they think they want to know.' Hofer-Alfeis, however, feels that there is no single solution to promote knowledge sharing within an organisation.
'It's not necessary to get rid of ranks. KM can still exist in various forms in different organisations. What KM does is provide a systematic approach to optimise knowledge flow.'